Wildflower meadow, 2016–19
Another Time is a meadow and test-bed which transforms a disused field next to Gravel Hill Farm workers’ cottages, part of Cambridge University’s farm into a non-mechanical clock. The plant species have been carefully selected for their predictable flower opening and closing times – an idea first hypothesised by the Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus in his book Philosophia Botanica, 1751.

The project aims to explore pre-industrial alternative perceptions of time in relation to our current pressurised experience of time in the 21st century. This consideration of time has come about through researching past and present rhythms of the North West Cambridge Development site and those who live and work in and around it. Linneaus was also a major influence on Darwin who has a strong connection to the area.

The project has involved discussion with a core group of advisors from the local area including Jo Cobb, gardener at Murray Edwards College, gardener Sophy Millington and Roy Vickery, botanist and plantlore expert. Local residents, school children and gardening enthusiasts have also contributed to the planting.
Commissioned by North West Cambridge Development Project, with support from Arts Council England.
Download a copy of the Another Time pamphlet here:
Another Time Pamphlet